Monday, March 10, 2008

Web 2.0 Awards Site Wet Paint

I selected a hosted wiki site from the Web 2.0 awards. I found a couple of wiki's related to one of my hobbies: boats. One wiki was a safety training course for instructors for kayaks and canoes. The other was about types of boats and really did not have enough information to be useful yet. But that is the beauty of wikis: I could add information to the wiki or create one of my own.

I registered for and uploaded a file that I created in Word. I then published the file which is available here:
I tried to publish to my blog but was unsuccessful. However, pasting the link is a work around. The main question that I have about online productivity tools is how well complex formatting migrates from platform to platform. Simple text will work well but much of educational text involves bulleting or outlining and that kind of thing never translates transparently.